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We Help Your Videos Stand Out Using Super Slow Motion

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Other Use Cases for Slow motion Videos

Product Videos

Shoot in Super Slow Motion to test and showcase your durability of Your Products and Processes

 Our technical slow-motion videography services offer this unique perspectives, providing you with unparalleled video insights into the quality and durability of your manufactured products before going to mass market. Slow Motion Videos speak better to your viewers than pictures.

Precision in Every Frame

Slow motion allows you to capture A lot of details in Every Frame

Our 4k high-speed cameras capture every nuance and detail in super slow motion, allowing you to clearly see the impact and structural integrity of your products with unparalleled clarity.

Valuable Insights for Quality Assurance

Quality Control by using Slow motion Video

Gain valuable insights into potential defects and weaknesses in your products. Our slow-motion material testing videos serve as a powerful tool for quality assurance, helping you identify issues before full-scale manufacturing begins.

Dual Purpose Videos

Dual Purpose Videos

Our videos serve a dual purpose – from showcasing the durability of your products to customers, as seen in our WORKSafe eyewear video

Save Time and Resources

Save Time and Resources

Partnering with T-Eight means saving time and money by identifying and rectifying problems in the early stages of development. Be ahead of the curve and avoid costly errors before your products hit the market.

Why Choose T-Eight?

Led by the visionary Senthil. M, an award-winning cinematographer with over two decades of industry experience, T-Eight stands at the forefront of Asian-centric ultra-high-speed cinematography. Senthil's commitment to advancing his craft has fueled collaborations with numerous production houses across Asia and the region.

WORKSafe Eyewear Durability Test

Our commitment to showcase your product in the best possible way to your customers through super slow-motion videos. 

Safety Airbag Deployment Testing for MINDEF

Safety Airbag Deployment Testing for MINDEF

We come with our wealth of experience in knowing what kind of tools  are needed for the shoot.

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To create a video to showcase your products better

Contact T-Eight now to discover how our technical slow-motion videos can elevate your manufactured product sales.

Ultra High Speed

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Asia's Specialist in Slow Motion Video Productions

Email Address  184 Stirling Road, Singapore 140184

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